New Brunswick Social Policy Research Network

NSERC-Partnership Workshops Grants


Value and Duration: Up to $25,000 for one year

Application Deadline: No deadline

For more information: Contact the NSERC Atlantic Regional Office or visit the NSERC Partnership website.


The objective of a PWG is to bring together academic researchers with non-academic end users and create new partnerships through workshops that develop collaborations addressing research and technology needs identified by the user community. The workshops are intended to generate new academic-industry-government partnerships that will lead to new collaborative research activities.

The workshops must be organized and championed by at least one academic and one non-academic leader. The academic leader may hold an academic appointment or an administrative position at the post-secondary institution. Workshop participation is normally by invitation only and must include academic researchers and members of non-academic end user organizations.

The workshop discussions must strengthen interchanges between the academic and non-academic participants, and focus on forward-looking collaborations rather than review past accomplishments. Workshop discussions are intended to find common grounds among the participants with topics that include:

– research priorities and knowledge gaps from the perspectives of industry, government and post-secondary institutions;

– current research capacity and future needs;

– HQP training and skills needs;

– knowledge/technology transfer potential;

– funding challenges and opportunities;

– existing and potential new collaborations;

– next steps for proceeding toward collaborative activities.

To read more…

To partner with NBSPRN on this initiative, contact our Research Coordinator at

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