New Brunswick Social Policy Research Network

Funding Workshop – University/Industry Collaborations

Are you interested in collaborative research and development projects? Are you wondering which funding programs are available to support these projects?

Please join UNB’s Office of Research Services as they host a funding workshop for academic/industry collaborations. This workshop will provide an overview of partnership funding available to researchers and companies in New Brunswick interested in collaborative research and development projects. The presentations will cover available programs for early-stage, mid-stage and late-stage funding.

Date: Wednesday, March 15th, 2017
Time: 8:30AM-1:00PM
Location: Chancellor’s Room, Wu Centre, UNB Fredericton Campus
Cost: FREE – includes lunch

*Registration is required.

Presenting funding agencies: Springboard Atlantic, ACOA, NBIF, NSERC, NRC, Mitacs, CARIC and NBHRF.


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