New Brunswick Social Policy Research Network

Social Innovation Research Fund

The Social Innovation Research Fund Pilot is administered by the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation(NBIF) in partnership with the New Brunswick Social Policy Research Network (NBSPRN).

Through this pilot project, the NBIF and the NBSPRN aim to better understand what sorts of solutions to what sorts of problems New Brunswick researchers and collaborators are working on solving in our communities and better understand how we can assist. We hope to see impacts in our communities that will create lasting changes to systematic challenges that have left vulnerable people behind. Our aim is to offer funding that can help projects get off the ground and move them along their continuum towards developing into a longer-term solution.

Proposals will be invited which focus on a socially innovative research project (or bridge funding directed at leveraging significant federal dollars) where the research aims to impact the province of New Brunswick through one of the following:

1. economic impact; direct or indirect;
2. measured improvement in quality of life of New Brunswickers or a specific community or group in the province;
3. intervention working to address a complex environmental issue impacting the province; or
4. intervention working to address a complex social problem in the province that has a direct or indirect cost to the provincial government.

The maximum duration of projects will be 2 years and projects must begin within 6 months of the official award date.

Financial Structure
A maximum of $50,000 can be requested in a single research proposal, covering up to 66% of the costs of the project (e.g. maximum total project cost of $75,000). The matching portion of the funding may be cash or in-kind contributions (including institutional contributions) but cannot be from another provincial government source.

Application Procedure
Applications will be required to be submitted through the NBIF Research portal:

This process requires applicants to complete a profile in the portal prior to submitting their application.

The call for proposals will be open for 2 months. After the call is closed, all proposals will be reviewed by a panel including 1 member of the NBIF, 1 member of the NBSPRN and a diverse group social science experts. Proposals will be ranked against the published evaluation criteria.


For complete information, please visit: here

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