New Brunswick Social Policy Research Network

Symposium on Social Impact

This Symposium will be a joint effort of UNB’s Leadership Faculty (RCLP) and Community Problem Solving RCLP 4028. This student-lead symposium will feature service-learning research product and outcomes with both local and provincial significance. This year students are working with:


• Post-Secondary Education Training and Labour

• Public Health Dietitians

• SHAD Valley/Pond-Deshpande


Event Details

Date: Tuesday, March21st

Event Location: UNBF, Marshall d’array Hall, 1st floor auditorium Rm. 143 (d’Avray is located near the Aitken Centre with parking).

Duration of Symposium: 2:30pm to 5:30pm (we appreciate your schedule is busy and invite you to take your leave at your convenience).


Symposium on Social Impact

2:30 Reception and Networking Opportunity

2:45 Opening Remarks and Introductions

2:55 Keynote

3:20 Business Immigrant Mentorship Program/The HIVE

3:35 CPAWS

3:50 SHAD Valley/Pond-Deshpande

Networking Break 4:05-4:30

4:30 Department of Post-Secondary Education Training and Labour (PETL)

4:45 Public Health Dietitians, Department of Health

5:00 Closing Remarks

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