New Brunswick Social Policy Research Network

CIHR – SGBA Health Policy-Research Partnerships

Important Dates

Application Deadline: 2017-09-06
Anticipated Notice of Decision: 2017-10-31
Funding Start Date: 2017-11-01


The integration of sex and gender considerations throughout the health policy process (i.e. planning, implementation, knowledge transfer, impact assessment and re-design) can be complex. Effective, evidence-based sex- and gender-based analysis (SGBA) integration requires a thorough review of best available evidence, including consideration and mitigation of potential negative unintended consequences. Health Canada staff charged with applying SGBA to programs and policies do not always possess the depth of knowledge and expertise required to adequately review scientific literature and assess its quality; apply SGBA in a way that is informed by the best available evidence; or evaluate the effectiveness of doing so with methods that are powered to detect and respond to potential unintended consequences.

In response to the Canadian government’s renewed commitment to gender-based analysis, Health Canada recently approved a department-wide Sex- and Gender-Based Analysis (SGBA) Action Plan. A key activity within this action plan is a partnership between the CIHR Institute of Gender and Health, the Institute of Aboriginal Peoples’ Health and the Health Canada Gender and Health Unit (GHU). The aim of this partnership is to fund research-policy partnerships, which will help bridge the gaps between research knowledge and policy development and support the rigorous application of SGBA to ensure Health Canada’s outward facing activities address the diverse needs of women, men, girls, boys and gender-diverse people to maximize positive health outcomes and improve health equity.

Research Areas

This funding opportunity will support initiatives relevant to the following research areas (see details in the additional information section):

  • Applying a gendered lens to cannabis risk perceptions, public education and awareness
  • Considering SGBA across the pharmaceutical management system: a focus on select drug classes
  • Digital technology to support informal caregivers: matching the tools to the needs
  • Involving Indigenous fathers/men in healthy child development programming and activities
  • Applying a GBA+ lens to a reorientation of Health Canada risk communications for health products
  • Considering sex and gender to support a psychologically healthy workplace
  • Applying SGBA+ in developing a modernized framework for the regulation of self-care products

For more information, please visit the CIHR website by clicking here or contact your institutional Office of Research Services.


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A Ginger Design