New Brunswick Social Policy Research Network

NouLAB Update

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The NouLAB process launched at GovMaker II in November 2015 is still supporting seven social innovation lab teams. NouLAB workshop number six was this week. With two more workshop sessions scheduled, teams are anticipating the opportunity to pitch prototype solutions as part of the upcoming Innovation Week in May. Many of the NouLAB teams have government members providing important links to policy makers.

The Food Lab team, made up of Amanda Wildeman, Susanne White, Micha Fardy and Laurie-Anne Patenaude, has had support from the Department of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries (DAAF) since the beginning of the journey. The team is looking at the question ‘How to increase consumption of NB produced foods by New Brunswickers’. One of the core team members, Laurie-Anne Patenaude is a Senior Project Executive working on the Local Food and Beverages Strategy with DAAF.

Through the preliminary information gathering interviews with key stakeholders, the team has identified the need for an Economic Impact Assessment for Local Food and is currently working with DAAF to develop the Terms of Reference.

The Team is looking forward to the results of this study as it will provide crucial information to their Food Lab Team, but will also serve as a baseline for local food that government and other groups will be able to use going forward to measure progress in the production, distribution and consumption of local food in the province.

Stay tuned to the NBSPRN newsletter for future updates on NouLAB teams and the social innovation lab process.


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