NBSPRN’s Regional Engagement Sessions
The New Brunswick Social Policy Research Network (NBSPRN) is excited to announce it will be touring the province holding a series of regional engagement sessions.
These sessions aim to:
– Promote the post-secondary education sector (PSE) as a resource for policy and regional development throughout the province, through the utilization of research, teaching and outreach activities at New Brunswick’s universities and colleges;
– Communicate current PSE activities to local stakeholders and to communicate local stakeholder priorities to GNB, PSE faculty, students and staff;
– Provide a venue for the identification of new opportunities for regional development (economic, social, cultural);
– Provide a venue for the identification of new linkages between New Brunswick’s universities, colleges and local stakeholders.
We will be in Edmundston on April 6th.
For more information and to register : http://www.eventbrite.ca/e/seances-regionales-de-mobilisation-regional-engagement-sessions-tickets-20980932534